In-Home Assessments

In-Home Assessments

Home-Based Assessments

VHAP’s behavior team is skilled in assessing our clients’ strengths, needs, and areas of growth. Our assessments help to identify behavior interventions that are effective in helping individuals develop positive behaviors and decrease challenging behaviors to help clients gain skills needed to engage in a meaningful life. In-home behavior assessments are typically conducted or supervised by a certified behavior analyst in collaboration with the family through a functional behavior assessment (FBA).

An FBA is a comprehensive and systematic way of gathering information about behaviors and their purpose (functions) through observations and various assessment tools. During this FBA process, our team will review relevant documents, conduct observations, and evaluate individual skills in significant areas (e.g., social, communication, self-help, daily living) using assessment tools such as the Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, 3rd edition (ABAS-3) and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, 3rd edition (Vineland-3). The results of an FBA are evaluated, and a report is written to recommend an individualized behavior treatment plan with suggested goals and service hours. This FBA report is submitted to the funding source for approval of behavior intervention services.

Families can contact VHAP to request an independent FBA or an FBA combined with our behavior intervention services. Click here for more information about the type of funding accepted for behavior services.